The Great Lakes Bay Region Mental Health Partnership works to ensure that everyone knows where to turn for help when struggling with a mental health challenge, seeks help without fear of stigma and receives prompt access to excellent care. The GLBRMHP is hosting the second annual fundraising event, which will fund strategies: Advance AntiStigma and Community Culture, Expand Workplace and Youth Mental Health Programs and Enhance Mental Health Provider Access. Lifting Our Voices: Discovering HOPE will spotlight inspiring and hope-filled stories of impact.
Eric Hipple, former Detroit Lions Quarterback and mental health advocate, will share his story of how mental health has impacted his personal and professional life in the pursuit of discovering hope.
Ryan Griffus, Director of the Midland County Juvenile Justice Center will share his mental health journey and how his past guided him to his role today to be the supportive adult he needed growing up and to help today’s youth break the cycle