Capital Improvements
After more than a year of planning and securing grant funding, the Mt. Pleasant Municipal Airport’s (KMOP) taxiway and lighting project has been completed well below the projected $2.7 million cost. The project was fully funded through grants.
- 90% Federal Grants
- 5% State Grants
- 5% Saginaw Chippewa Tribal Local Match Funds
Improvements included a reconstructed 35-foot-wide taxiway, LED lighting and updated signage.
To bring the layout of the airfield into compliance, modifications were made resulting in one mid-field taxiway connector. This change was slated for 2025, but federal money was made available to complete the project alongside the taxiway upgrade.
Regional Airport Designation
Due to its traffic counts, the Mt. Pleasant Municipal Airport is now considered a regional airport. This designation enables the airport to be eligible for an additional $100,000 in grant funding.
Airport Manager Brickner Elected to MAAE
Bill Brickner, airport manager was elected to the Michigan Association of Airport Executives (MAAE) Board of Directors. The MAAE’s mission is to promote Michigan airports through aviation leader forums, while strengthening relationships with legislative, regulatory and community partners. Bill will serve a five-year term on this statewide board.
Mt. Pleasant Municipal Airport Manager Bill Brickner
Mt. Pleasant Municipal Airport’s Taxiway and Lighting Upgrade Construction
Completed Mt. Pleasant Municipal Airport Taxiway Upgrade